Pozotron Proofing | Used By Scripted Audio Pros Everywhere


Audio Proofing & Reporting Tools

Proofing Accurately and Efficiently with Pozotron

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The Fastest Way to Ensure
Audiobook Excellence

Our AI-powered proofing tool makes human proofers faster, more accurate, and more efficient!
Pozotron catches and tracks missed words, added words, misreads, and excessive pauses, and
other distracting issues, allowing your proofers to concentrate on the finer details of
performance and tone.

Your Core Features


Discover more about our Audio
Proofing Tool

  • Automatic Pickup
  • Guaranteed
  • Automated Proofing
  • Workflow
  • Multi-Language
  • Multi-Narrator

Focus Your Energy
on Creativity

Pozotron Studio’s proofing tool helps you ensure that
misreads or missed words never make it through to
publication. Our AI-powered proofing algorithm matches
your manuscript text to the narrated audio and catches
every mispronunciation, inserted word, missed word, and
long pause.

Peace of Mind About

When proofing, the audio playback and manuscript sync
perfectly, allowing proofers to easily track their place in the
manuscript and catch every mistake in the narration or

Eliminate Manual

The Scan Occurrences Tool allows proofers and editors
to automatically scan the narrated audio for specific word
mentions, exporting custom word-specific DAW markers
and listening for pronunciation consistency.

Work More Efficiently
with Automated

Once you’ve proofed your audio and marked your pickups,
Pozotron’s streamlined reporting options eliminate hours of
manual effort by producing easy-to-use online pickup
packets, integrated DAW marker files, and subtitle files.